Kidney disease is a medical condition in which the kidney fails to function as it should. Kidney failure may develop slowly or suddenly. Acute kidney disease often results in end-stage kidney disease, while chronic kidney disease often results in dialysis and kidney transplantation. The term kidney refers to the organ that houses the kidney.
In most people with kidney disease, albumin levels increase slightly but remain within healthy limits. Increased albumin levels are an indicator of kidney failure, especially when albumin levels are high for more than six months. People who test positive for albumin should undergo tests such as urinalysis and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level tests.
A person may have kidney disease, even if there are no symptoms. Occasionally, the kidneys themselves might be damaged, requiring operation. Kidney diseases can lead to renal failure if treatment is delayed too long. Dialysis is used when kidney disease has progressed to point to kidney failure. If left untreated, kidney failure may result in death.
Kidney problems develop slowly over time, usually progressing only after some years. Kidney problems develop in one kidney or both kidneys. They can affect men, women, and children. Some common causes of kidney disease include dehydration, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, hyperparathyroidism, and trauma to the kidneys or urinary tract. Kidney transplants are performed to replace kidneys that fail to function.
During kidney transplants, doctors perform specific tests to find out the cause of kidney failure, then transplant organs from one kidney to the other. The new kidney is placed into the body of the donor. Before surgery, doctors monitor the kidney by checking the kidney’s status in a lab. When the kidney transplant is completed, new life starts in the recipient’s body. He or she will need constant care for the transplanted organ, including possible infections. Supplies of dialysis often come from the same blood group as the patient.
Some kidney disease symptoms may go unnoticed, or undiagnosed. Some kidney problems can lead to more serious conditions. Untreated kidney disease can result in permanent damage to kidneys or even kidney failure, which is irreversible. Once kidney disease symptoms are suspected, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. The sooner kidney disease is detected, the better the chances for a successful kidney transplant.
Some kidney disease symptoms include fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and weight loss. Blood in the urine, breath smelling bad, loss of appetite or anorexia can also be symptoms. If a person has kidney problems, he or she may seem unusually tired, or experience frequent urination. Other symptoms include blood in the stool or blood in the urine, fever, chills or hot flashes, nausea or vomiting, swelling of ankles or feet, cloudy or yellowish urine, persistent earaches, stomach or bowels pain, lethargy, constant headaches, swollen feet, dark circles under the eyes, bad breath, shortness of breath, and swelling of the neck, face, or feet.
Because these symptoms can indicate many conditions, they should not be ignored. These signs can alert you to potential problems in your kidney and should be evaluated immediately by a physician. Don’t wait to experience kidney disease symptoms tanda sakit buah pinggang. Get yourself tested today. If it is detected early, the disease can be managed with diet and medications, leaving you with a better quality of life.